Thermoplastische Elastomere (auch: lineare Elastomere; Abk.: TPE) sind Kunststoffe, die sich unter Wärmezufuhr plastisch verformen lassen.

Recently, WM Dolls released new photos with the WM-166/C body style and SS 182 head.

The WM-166/C is a life-sized TPE love doll with an elegant body shape.

The SS 182 head is made of silicone, so this is a hybrid doll configuration. Also, SS series silicone heads feature ROS upgrades like a built- in tongue and teeth by default.

This WM-175/B body style with no. 335 head (= Jinsan no. 335) by WM Dolls travels to California.

Recently, SE Doll released new photos with the SE-157/G body style (= SED 323) and ›Hazel‹ head (= SE no. 127).

The SE-157/G is a life-sized love doll with a natural body shape and big breasts. The depicted skin color is light tan.

Recently, SE Doll released new photos with the SE-161/E body style (= SED 324) and ›Monica‹ head (= SE no. 077).

The SE-161/E is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy body shape. The depicted skin color is light tan.

Recently, WM Dolls released new factory photos with the WM-166/C body style and SS 182 head.

The WM-166/C is a life-sized TPE love doll with an elegant body shape.

The SS 182 head is made of silicone, so this is a hybrid doll configuration. Also, SS series silicone heads feature ROS upgrades like a built- in tongue and teeth by default.

Recently, SE Doll released new factory photos with the SE-153/F body style (= SED 319) and ›Yuuki‹ head (= SE no. 076).

The SE-153/F is a medium- to life-sized TPE love doll with big breasts. The depicted skin color is light tan.

Recently, SE Doll released new photos with the SE-161/E body style (= SED 318) and ›Luis‹ head (= SE no. 021).

The SE-161/E is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy body shape. The depicted skin color is light tan.

Recently, WM Dolls released new photos with the WM-T172/F body style aka G8 and LS70 silicone head.

The WM-T172/F is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape and normal breasts.

The LS70 head is made of silicone, so this is a hybrid doll configuration.

Recently, SE Doll released new photos with the SE-158/D body style (= SED 322) and ›Samantha‹ elf head (= SE no. 022).

The SE-158/D is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The depicted skin color is light tan.

The ›Samantha‹ head is shown in visual style 'E' and Halloween special makeup. Samantha features pointy elf ears.

Recently, WM Dolls released new factory photos with the WM-T172/F body style aka G8 and no. 266 head (Jinsan no. 266).

The WM-T172/F is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape and normal breasts. The depicted skin color is tan.

The depicted variant of the no. 266 head showcases the Halloween special makeup.

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