
Cheyenne (Jinsan no. 124) is a female head manufactured by Jinsan factory.

The head is made of TPE.

Jinshan no. 124 head aka ›Cheyenne‹. Image courtesy of X/S Dolls
Dollsfrance ›Cheyenne‹ head (Jinsan no. 124) - factory photo (08/2019)Dollsfrance ›Cheyenne‹ head (Jinsan no. 124) - factory photo (08/2019)

Head No. 98 aka Sabine (Jinshan no. 98) is a female head by WM Doll. The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Doll no. 98 head
WM Doll no. 98 headWM Doll no. 98 headWM Doll no. 98 headWM Doll no. 98 headWM Doll no. 98 head

The WM-156/C is a medium- to life-sized TPE love doll by WM Doll. The WM-156 has a body height of about 156 cm (5'11") and weights ca. 28 kg (61.7 lb).

Body measurements: 73 cm / 28'7" (breasts) x 58 cm / 22'8" (waist) x 79 cm / 31'1" (hips).

Lots of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

WM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 head
WM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 85 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) with WM Doll no. 31 headWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 (ca. 156 cm) - from PQC quality check courtesy of X/S DollsWM Doll WM-156 body style with head no. 85 (Jinsan no. 85) in skin tone 'taWM Doll WM-156 body style with head no. 85 (Jinsan no. 85) in skin tone 'taWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 159 head (Jinsan no. 159) in skin tone 'lightWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 159 head (Jinsan no. 159) in skin tone 'lightWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 159 head (Jinsan no. 159) in skin tone 'lightWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 88 head (Jinsan no. 88) in skin tone 'light tWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 88 head (Jinsan no. 88) in skin tone 'light tWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 88 head (Jinsan no. 88) in skin tone 'light tWM Doll WM-156 body style with no. 88 head (Jinsan no. 88) in skin tone 'light t

The WM-85 is a miniature TPE love doll by WM Doll. This small love doll has a body length of about 85 cm and weights ca. 5 Kilogramm.

Body measurements: 44 cm (breasts) x 30 cm (waist) x 45 cm (hips).

Many attributes of this love doll may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)
WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)WM Dolls 85 (ca. 85 cm)

Head no. 83 aka Kayla (Jinsan no. 83) is a female head by WM Dolls. The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of the head no. 83 may be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)
WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)WM Dolls Kopf Nr. 83 mit WM Dolls 168 Body (ca. 168 cm)

Kasandra (Jinshan no. 97) is a female head by YL Doll. The head is made of TPE

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

YL Doll ›Kasandra‹ Kopf mit YL-160 Körperstil
YL Doll head ›Kasandra‹YL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body styleYL Doll Kasandra head (Jinshan no. 97 head) with YL-160 body style

Leslie (Jinsan no. 118) is a female head by YL Doll.

The head is made of TPE

Many attributes of this head can be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

YL Doll head ›Leslie‹
YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB mit ›Leslie‹ Kopf (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ Kopf (Jinsan no. 118) mit WM Doll 158 Body - Image: PQC by X/S YL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - DoYL Doll ›Leslie‹ head (Jinshan no. 118) in skin tone "Jinshan tanned/brown" - Do

The YL-155/D is an almost life-sized TPE love doll by YL Doll. The curvy lady has a body height of approximately 155 cm and a weight of about 34 kg.

Body measurements: 84 cm (breasts), 55 cm (waist) and 90 cm (hips).

YL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPE
YL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPEYL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPEYL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll 155 BB (ca. 155 cm)YL Doll YL-155/D with Lori & Rinia heads - factory photoYL Doll YL-155/D with Lori & Rinia heads - factory photoYL Doll YL-155/D with Lori & Rinia heads - factory photoYL Doll YL-155/D with Lori & Rinia heads - factory photoYL Doll YL-155/D body style - TPE

The WM-118 is a small TPE love doll by WM Dolls. Model 118 has a body size of ca. 118 cm and weights about 18,5 kg.

Body measurements: 68,5 cm (breasts) x 44 cm (waist) x 68 cm (hips).

WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)
WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)WM Dolls 118 (ca. 118 cm)

Head No. 126 aka Karine (Jinsan no. 126) is a female head by WM Doll. The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls head no. 126
WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126WM Dolls body WM-165 with WM Dolls head no. 126
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