WM Doll

WM Doll torso B15 with head no. 230 (Jinshan no. 230)

This video demonstrates the Torso B15 with with head no. 230 (Jinshan no. 230) by WM Doll.

Head no. 230 (Jinsan no. 230) is a life-sized female head by WM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls head no. 230 - TPE
WM Doll head no. 230 - TPE

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the busty B15 torso and no. 230 head (Jinshan no. 230).

WM Doll's B15 torso is life-sized, busty, and has arms with hands.

Head no. 173 (Jinsan no. 173) is a female head by WM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Doll no. 173 head (Jinsan no. 173) - TPE

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-161 body style and no. 173 head (Jinshan no. 173).

The WM-161 body style is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy, but still natural body shape.

WM Doll WM-161 body style with Jinshan no. 206 head (2)

This video introduces the life-sized WM-161 body style with Jinshan no. 206 head by WM Doll.

WM Doll WM-161 body style with Jinshan no. 206 head (1)

This video introduces the life-sized WM-161 body style with Jinshan no. 206 head by WM Doll.

Head no. 206 (Jinshan no. 206) is a female head by WM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.


Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-161 body style and no. 206 head (Jinshan no. 206).

The WM-161 body style is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy, but still natural body shape.

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-161 body style and no. 85 head (Jinshan no. 85).

The WM-161 body style is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy, but still natural body shape.

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