WM Doll

No. 458 (= Jinsan no. 458) is a life-sized female head by WM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Doll head no. 458 (= Jinsan no. 458) - TPE

Recently, WM Doll (= Jinsan Doll) released new photos with the WM-164/D body style and no. 458 head (Jinsan no. 458).

The WM-164/D is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape.

Recently, WM Doll (= Jinsan Doll) released new photos with the WM-164/D body style and no. 454 head (Jinsan no. 454).

The WM-164/D is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape.

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-163/C body style and no. 452 head (Jinsan no. 452).

The WM-163/C is a life-sized love doll with a natural body shape.

No. 452 (= Jinsan no. 452) is a life-sized female head by WM Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls head no. 452 (Jinsan no. 452) - TPE

Recently, WM Dolls released new photos with the WM-164/D body style and no. 70 silicone head (Jinsan no. 70).

The WM-164/D is a life-sized TPE love doll with a natural body shape. The no. 70 head is made of silicone, so this is a hybrid configuration.

Recently, WM Dolls released new photos with the WM-162/F body style and no. 33 head (Jinsan no. 33).

The WM-162/F is a life-sized TPE love doll with a slim body shape and big breasts.

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-163/C body style and no. 62 head (Jinsan no. 62).

The WM-163/C is a life-sized love doll with a natural body shape.

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-175/G body style and no. 233 head (Jinsan no. 233).

The WM-175/G is a life-sized TPE love doll with a curvy body shape and big breasts.

Recently, WM Dolls released new photos with the WM-156/C body style and no. 467 head (Jinsan no. 467).

The WM-156/C is a life-size TPE love doll with a natural body shape.

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