Doll House 168 Vagina Shapes
The Vagina Shape is an individual customization available for TPE love dolls of the '2019 series' by Doll House 168.
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Doll House 168 - 2019 series vagina shapes
Doll House 168 - 2019 series vagina shapes
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The individual customization Doll House 168 Vagina Shapes is available for the following products:
Brand: Doll House 168
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Brand: Doll House 168
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Brand: Doll House 168
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Brand: Doll House 168
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Brand: Doll House 168
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Brand: Doll House 168
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For more information about a particular product, simply click on the image.
Product Specification Ops Doll House 168 DH20-140/E The DH20-140/E is a medium-sized silicone love doll from the 2020 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 140 cm and weights ca. 23 kg (manufacturer specs).
Body measurements: 67 cm (breasts) × 44,5 cm (waist) × 78 cm (hips) / 46 cm (under bust) / 19,5 cm (neck) / 28 cm (shoulder) / 35 cm (thigh length) / 40 cm (thigh circumference) / 37 cm (low leg length) / 25 cm (calf circumference) / 21,5 cm (upperarm length) / 18,5 cm (upperarm girth) / 21 cm (forearm length) / 18 cm (forearm girth) / 19 cm (length of foot).
By default, this doll is equipped with the enhanced EVO skeleton; she has a foam core inside, and the breasts are gel filled hollow design.
Some attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; however, skin tone, eye color, lip color, nipple color, and labia color are fixed as of 12/2020.
Height: 140 cm
Weight: 23 kg
Breasts: 67 cm
Waist: 45 cm
Hips: 78 cm
Material: SiliconePrice: $2,390
‣ Read more Doll House 168 DH19-135/K The DH19-135/K aka 135 cm Plus is a small to medium-sized TPE love doll from the 2019 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 135 cm and weights ca. 26 kg.
Body measurements: 88 cm (breasts) × 47 cm (waist) × 75 cm (hips) / 51 cm (under bust) / 25 cm (neck) / 30 cm (shoulder) / 68 cm (length of leg) / 42 cm (thigh circumference) / 27 cm (calf circumference) / 43 cm (arm length)/ 18 cm (length of foot).
Many attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 26 kg
Breasts: 88 cm
Waist: 47 cm
Hips: 75 cm
Material: TPEPrice: $1,800
‣ Read more Doll House 168 DH19-128/E The DH19-128/E is a miniature TPE love doll from the 2019 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 128 cm and weights ca. 20 kg.
Body measurements: 70 cm (breasts) × 48 cm (waist) × 67 cm (hips) / 51 cm (under bust) / 28 cm (shoulder) / 76 cm (length of leg) / 17,5 cm (length of foot).
Many attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.
Height: 128 cm
Weight: 20 kg
Breasts: 70 cm
Waist: 48 cm
Hips: 57 cm
Material: TPEPrice: $1,679
‣ Read more Doll House 168 DH19-135/D The DH19-135/D is a small to medium-sized TPE love doll from the 2019 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 135 cm and weights ca. 23.5 kg.
Body measurements: 67.5 cm (breasts) × 47 cm (waist) × 77 cm (hips) / 30 cm (shoulder) / 76 cm (length of leg) / 14 cm (length of foot).
Many attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 24 kg
Breasts: 68 cm
Waist: 47 cm
Hips: 77 cm
Material: TPEPrice: $1,800
‣ Read more Doll House 168 DH19-145/F The DH19-145/F is a medium-sized TPE love doll from the 2019 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 145 cm and weights ca. 28 kg.
Body measurements: 76 cm (breasts) × 50 cm (waist) × 80 cm (hips) / 34 cm (shoulder) / 77 cm (length of leg) / 19 cm (length of foot).
Many attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.
Height: 145 cm
Weight: 28 kg
Breasts: 76 cm
Waist: 50 cm
Hips: 80 cm
Material: TPEPrice: $1,920
‣ Read more Doll House 168 DH19-155/F The DH19-155/F is a life-sized TPE love doll from the 2019 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 155 cm and weights ca. 32 kg.
Body measurements: 78 cm (breasts) × 51 cm (waist) × 82 cm (hips) / 35 cm (shoulder) / 83 cm (length of leg) / 19.5 cm (length of foot).
Many attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 32 kg
Breasts: 78 cm
Waist: 51 cm
Hips: 82 cm
Material: TPEPrice: $2,041
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